The examples included in the package were malformatted. The examples were corrected.
chronosphere 0.6.0 - 2023-08-14
CRAN release: 2023-08-14
IMPORTANT: Dataset identifier coordinates were changed: dat -> src, var -> ser. This reflects changes of the database that were necessary so formal variables can be introduced.
chronosphere 0.5.0 - 2023-05-23
CRAN release: 2023-06-13
the configure() function to support setting of global variables: curl, timeout and remote (debugging)
The SpatialArray class is added to the package, mimicking RasterArrays for vector objects.
The SpatialList class is added, to be used in the SpatialStack.
The XArray class-union is made for the efficient generalization of methods shared by RasterArray and SpatialArray. Shared methods are impplemented.
the spTransform() function is implemented for SpatialStacks and SpatialArrays.
the apply() function gained the MARGIN=NULL submethod. THis submethod is useful for the iteration of functions for every XArray item.
The mapedge() function for the quick calculation of map edges in non-equirectangular projections.
the ‘coasts’ data demo object of the PaleoMAP Paleocoastlines
types() generic and SpatialArray-method is added.
Multiple RasterArray methods are now generalized for the XArray and are no longer specific to RasterArrays.
vignette was renamed from chronos.Rmd to chronosphere.Rmd, references to ‘clim’ were removed and uses ‘coasts’ now instead
the reporting tools added in build 75 are removed as they require further testing
the ‘clim’ demo object was removed to decrease the size of the package
Known issues/missing features
SpatialArrays and SpatialStacks do not have a default plotting method yet.
The apply() function has limit utility on SpatialArrays.
rare issues with res/ver defaulting, use explicit ver and res to ensure correct download
chronosphere 0.3.1 (build 76) - 2020-09-23
CRAN release: 2020-08-10
Forced UTF-8 encoding for the registry tables
added API call to chronosphere object attributes.
chronosphere 0.3.1 (build 75) - 2020-09-20
CRAN release: 2020-08-10
create_metadata() and report() to create data report based on the pbdb download
generate_bib() and related functions to generate bibliography for report
capitalize() to capitalise strings - for formatting purposes
pkg_file() to access files within the package
template files to inst/rmarkdown/
chronosphere 0.3.1 (build 74) - 2020-08-20
CRAN release: 2020-08-10
The SpatialLinesDataFrame-method of the reconstruct() function.
chronosphere 0.3.1 (build 73) - 2020-08-07
CRAN release: 2020-08-10
The reference() and info() functions. The new reference() function is now used within fetch().
minor bugs.
chronosphere 0.3.0 (build 72) - 2020-07-30
CRAN release: 2020-06-10
The ‘plateperiod’ argument was accidentally deleted during update to build 69, now it is live again.
chronosphere 0.3.0 (build 71) - 2020-07-14
CRAN release: 2020-06-10
Fixed forced download of registry table when datadir was given and data were already present on disk/storage device
chronosphere 0.3.0 (build 70) - 2020-06-11
CRAN release: 2020-06-10
datasets() function gained the ‘dat’, ‘master’ and ‘greetings’ arguments. The default setting of the function only downloads the list of datasets (dat) and variables (var). Setting the ‘dat’ argument to a character entry will download the list of all archives from that dataset. Setting the master argument to ‘master=TRUE’ will download a list of all archives, which is expected to be very long in the near future. The argument ‘greetings=TRUE’ will display a reminder that additional versions and resolutions are available.
the downloaded objects now have chronosphere attributes. These record the accession information used previously, which allows the repetition of function call, if necessary - including changes.
fetch() can return the function call, using call=TRUE. This can be either an expression or a terminal message, depending on the settings of call.expr=TRUE/FALSE.
fetch() can be used with an already downloaded the chronosphere-object to either redownload it, or get its download function call.
fetch() can be used to return multiple variables from the same dataset. These will be concatenated into a list, unless they are RasterArrays, in which case fetch() will try to cbind() them
the extent() method of the RasterArray class
the server log log.csv is only checked once per session.
The dataindex() deprecated placeholder function was removed. Use datasets() instead.
previous updates to reconstruct()
chronosphere 0.2.2 (build 69) - 2020-03-11
CRAN release: 2020-02-17
reconstruct - defense against bad ages
rotationModels() and validCoords() added
chronosphere 0.2.2 (build 68) - 2020-03-11
CRAN release: 2020-02-17
reconstruct - defense against bad long/lat
chronosphere 0.2.2 (build 67) - 2020-03-06
CRAN release: 2020-02-17
bug fixes
chronosphere 0.2.2 (build 66) - 2020-03-05
CRAN release: 2020-02-17
new method extract(‘RasterArray’, ‘matrix’)
by=NULL is added as to extract(‘RasterArray’, ‘data.frame’)
bug fix of newbounds() when col was given.
by=NULL is the new default of extract(‘RasterArray’, ‘data.frame’). The function was redesigned to accomodate n-dimensional RasterArray input.
bug fix of dimnames(‘RasterArray’)
chronosphere 0.2.2 (build 65) - 2020-02-20
CRAN release: 2020-02-17
plateperiod argument of the reconstruct() function
chronosphere 0.2.2 (build 64) - 2020-02-20
CRAN release: 2020-02-17
mapplot overlap offset fixed
chronosphere 0.2.2 (build 63) - 2020-02-18
CRAN release: 2020-02-17
rotate-method for the RasterArray class
chronosphere 0.2.2 (build 62) - 2020-02-17
CRAN release: 2020-02-17
zzz.R with chronosphere package help file
the dataindex() function was renamed to datasets()
chronosphere 0.2.1 (build 61) - 2020-02-14
mapplot() coordinate reset fixed
IPCC palettes added
chronosphere 0.2.1 (build 60) - 2020-02-12
corrected documentation problems
chronosphere 0.2.1 (build 59) - 2020-01-27
support for shapefile fetching
fetch() defaults to the coarsest resolution (highest res entry, new default is res=NULL)
chronosphere 0.2.1 (build 58) - 2020-01-12
the nums(), colnums() and rownums() functions
the … argument to fetch to reach variable-specific loading options
Fixed issue with offline reconstruction method (one entry in an age with enumerate = FALSE)
support for NAs in the RasterArray constructor and defenses
‘clim’ data object
bug fix for the apply() RasterArray method
[[ of RasterArrays now wrap output in a RasterArray by default.
reconstruct() function’s local submodule no longer returns coordinates for points that are situated on plates that did not exist on the at reconstruction date (matrix method returns NA coordinates, Sp methods omit)